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  1. B
    Her trip cannot include visit to all of 5 cities except San Francisco in the B choice. A, C, D and E are confusingly relevant in some parts but not all. She begins her journey at either from San Francisco or Indianapolis. If it is Indianapolis, then trip can not end at San Francisco. It has to end either at New York or Indianapolis. So, her visit to San Francisco is inevitable. Hence choice B is correct.

  2. E
    Let us understand the statement in the way.
    In choice E we see that all the conditions are being met. Choice A breaks the condition become it has empty hole on the left choice B has H, E instead of G H together. The same errors are present in the choices C and D. Hence choice E is correct.

  3. E
    I and J must be in adjacent holes. So, in case J is in position of hole 2, I has to be in hole 1. Only then the other conditions can be complied with.

  4. B
    Choice A is incorrect because if H is in hole 1, then I can not be immediately after J. The distance between G and H should be equal to the distance between E and F under the same conditions that have been laid down, none of the other choices would be as correct as choice B where it states that S is in hole 2. It can be represented like this to prove the point
    hole 3 is the empty space - it cannot be on the extreme left.

  5. D
    It can be represented like this
    In fact the empty space must be in hole 7. By process of elimination, we come to choice D. Like in
    It can not be in any other hole.

    [next page]


Test 2

Section 1 : Verbal Section

Section 2 : Quantitative Section

Section 3 : Analytical Section

Section 4 : Quantitative Section

Section 5 : Verbal Section

Section 6 : Analytical Section

Answer Key To Test 2

Answer Explanation To Test 2
Section 1 : Verbal Section

Section 2 : Quantitative Section

Section 3 : Analytical Section
Section 4 : Quantitative Section
Section 5 : Verbal Section

Section 6 : Analytical Section

Test 3

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