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  1. C

  2. In the starting lines of the second paragraph it has been mentioned that the deeps like the highest mountains, are the recent origin.

  3. B

  4. "Pacific Ocean alone covers half the Earth".

  5. A

  6. In the second paragraph it has been stated that the ‘tidal wave’ of April 1946 caused widespread destruction along Pacific Coasts. It resulted from a strong earthquake on the floor of the Aleutian Deep. The position of the deeps, like the highest mountains, are of recent origin.

  7. E

  8. The position of the deeps near the continental masses suggests that the deeps, like the highest mountains are of highest origin.

  9. D

  10. In the last sentence of the passage it has been stated that ‘Long before there was a science of geology, Shakespeare wrote …. Shakespeare had written that …. . Shakespeare had lived and written in the 16th century. Hence the answer is after 1600.

  11. B

  12. Because it has been mentioned in the passage that North America averages 2300 feet: It does not discuss about the highest point on North America.

  13. C

  14. The deeps are frequently the sites of world – shaking earthquakes. The deeps like the highest mountains, are of recent origin.

  15. D

  16. The submerged continental masses are the continental shelves, beyond which lie the deep – sea basins. Some of the continents are the portions of the continental masses rising above sea level .

  17. A

  18. It has been mentioned in the very starting lines of the passage.

  19. D

  20. ‘Those who know’ were able to use this rich stock of abstract terms to express the nuances of their thought.

  21. D

  22. The passage attempts to describe some conceptual and aesthetic resources of the Nahuatl language.

    [next page]


Test 3
Section 1 : Verbal Section
Section 2 : Quantitative Section
Section 3 : Analytical Section
Section 4 : Quantitative Section
Section 5 : Verbal Section
Section 6 : Analytical Section
Section 7 : Quantitative Section
Answer key to Test 3

Answer Explanation To Test 3
Section 1 : Verbal Section
Section 2 : Quantitative Section
Section 3 : Analytical Section
Section 4 : Quantitative Section
Section 5 : Verbal Section
Section 6 : Analytical Section
Section 7 : Quantitative Section

Test 4

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