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9.5 Mid point Formula

Theorem : If the co-ordinates of the end points of a segment are (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), then the co-ordinates of the mid point of this segment is given by the formula :

Example 1

Find the mid point of a segment if A is (6,8) and B is (-2, 4).

Solution :

Let (6, 8) be (x1, y1) and

(-2, 4) be (x2, y2).

Therefore their mid point M is given as :


Example 2

If the mid point of seg. AB is (-3, 8) and A is (12, -1), find co-ordinates of B.

Solution :

Let the co-ordinates of B be (x, y). According to the mid-point formula

                     Therefore the co-ordinates of B are (-18, 17).

[next page]


9.1 Points And Co-ordinates
9. 2 Co-ordinates and Axes
9. 3 Quadrants
9. 4 Distances And Distances Formula
9. 5 Mid Point Formula
9. 6 Slope Of A Line
9. 7 Equation Of A Line

Chapter 1

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