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MonkeyNotes-The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
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Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit


As they pursue the alternate entrance, they find themselves travelling by night and sleeping by day. Frodo and Gollum sleep when they can, but Sam finds it hard to do so.

Eventually they come to a clear lake in a shallow dell, where they drink and wash to their content. Though the place is pleasant, all around them are signs of old wars and new wounds. Bones and burnt remains are strewn around the place. Sam asks Gollum if he can find food for them. Gollum comes back with rabbits. Sam fetches some herbs and cooks the rabbit meat in water. Gollum, disgusted by the practice of cooking meat, goes off to find something for himself. Sam realizes too late that his fire has attracted attention. Four men whom Gollum was able to evade capture the Hobbits. The men are from Gondor, led by Captain Faramir (BoromirÂ’s brother). Frodo tells them who they are and asks them to spare Gollum, if they catch him. He tells them about the fate of Boromir and they are saddened.

Faramir leaves two men to guard the Hobbits and goes off on an errand. The guards tell them that they are rangers that have come to ambush the men that help Sauron. Though they know that Gondor and Minas Tirith are doomed, they will not let the Southrons join the Dark Lord without opposition. Sam then gets his first view of a battle of men against men, which he doesnÂ’t like much. While watching the men fight each other, he sees another fight that terrifies and delights him for life: an Oliphaunt.

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MonkeyNotes-The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien



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