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Citing resources found on PinkMonkey

The following are examples of how you can cite from

  • Begin your citation with the author's name (last name, first name) if known. Followed by the copyright date or web publication date (in parentheses ( ) for APA).
    You may use the year only, if the entire date is not provided.
    If no author is given, Just list the date and skip to step 2.
  • List the title of the document either underlined, in italics or in quotations.
  • List the website name in italics
  • List the date you viewed the document in month date year format.
  • List the complete URL address of a specific page or the first page if you citing an entire document.

Example Bibliography Citations

If you viewed the MonkeyNotes for Macbeth on August 1, 2004, you would cite:

MLA Style

Sauder, Diane. " MonkeyNotes for Macbeth by William Shakespeare." 1997.
     1 August 2004 <>

APA Style

Sauder, Diane (1997), " MonkeyNotes for Macbeth by William Shakespeare",
     Retrieved August 1, 2004 from the World Wide Web:

  • Remember to indent the second line and all following lines in your citation.
  • Note: These are just examples. Your project may require a specific format that differs from the examples listed here. Please confirm the required format with your teacher before relying on these general examples. Your teacher may specify a unique format.

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