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unqualified medical practitioner, who has deformed a broken limb
in pretending to heal it. But, what of the hundreds of thousands of
minds that have been deformed for ever by the incapable
pettifoggers who have pretended to form them!

I make mention of the race, as of the Yorkshire schoolmasters,
in the past tense. Though it has not yet finally disappeared, it is
dwindling daily. A long day’s work remains to be done about us in
the way of education, Heaven knows; but great improvements and
facilities towards the attainment of a good one, have been
furnished, of late years.

I cannot call to mind, now, how I came to hear about Yorkshire
schools when I was a not very robust child, sitting in bye-places
near Rochester Castle, with a head full of Partridge, Strap, Tom
Pipes, and Sancho Panza; but I know that my first impressions of
them were picked up at that time, and that they were somehow or
other connected with a suppurated abscess that some boy had
come home with, in consequence of his Yorkshire guide,
philosopher, and friend, having ripped it open with an inky pen-
knife. The impression made upon me, however made, never left
me. I was always curious about Yorkshire schools--fell, long
afterwards and at sundry times, into the way of hearing more
about them--at last, having an audience, resolved to write about

With that intent I went down into Yorkshire before I began this
book, in very severe winter time which is pretty faithfully
described herein. As I wanted to see a schoolmaster or two, and
was forewarned that those gentlemen might, in their modesty, be
shy of receiving a visit from the author of the “Pickwick Papers,” I
consulted with a professional friend who had a Yorkshire

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