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two years old at the time, and King Henry the Fourth sat upon the
throne of England--there dwelt, in the ancient city of York, five
maiden sisters, the subjects of my tale.

‘These five sisters were all of surpassing beauty. The eldest was
in her twenty-third year, the second a year younger, the third a
year younger than the second, and the fourth a year younger than
the third. They were tall stately figures, with dark flashing eyes
and hair of jet; dignity and grace were in their every movement;
and the fame of their great beauty had spread through all the
country round.

‘But, if the four elder sisters were lovely, how beautiful was the
youngest, a fair creature of sixteen! The blushing tints in the soft
bloom on the fruit, or the delicate painting on the flower, are not
more exquisite than was the blending of the rose and lily in her
gentle face, or the deep blue of her eye. The vine, in all its elegant
luxuriance, is not more graceful than were the clusters of rich
brown hair that sported round her brow.

‘If we all had hearts like those which beat so lightly in the
bosoms of the young and beautiful, what a heaven this earth
would be! If, while our bodies grow old and withered, our hearts
could but retain their early youth and freshness, of what avail
would be our sorrows and sufferings! But, the faint image of Eden
which is stamped upon them in childhood, chafes and rubs in our
rough struggles with the world, and soon wears away: too often to
leave nothing but a mournful blank remaining.

‘The heart of this fair girl bounded with joy and gladness.
Devoted attachment to her sisters, and a fervent love of all
beautiful things in nature, were its pure affections. Her gleesome
voice and merry laugh were the sweetest music of their home. She

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