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PinkMonkey Digital Library-Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser

When Drouet was gone, she sat down in her rocking-chair by the
window to think about it. As usual, imagination exaggerated the
possibilities for her. It was as if he had put fifty cents in her hand
and she had exercised the thoughts of a thousand dollars. She saw
herself in a score of pathetic situations in which she assumed a
tremulous voice and suffering manner. Her mind delighted itself
with scenes of luxury and refinement, situations in which she was
the cynosure of all eyes, the arbiter of all fates. As she rocked to
and fro she felt the tensity of woe in abandonment, the
magnificence of wrath after deception, the languour of sorrow
after defeat. Thoughts of all the charming women she had seen in
plays-every fancy, every illusion which she had concerning the
stage-now came back as a re-

turning tide after the ebb. She built up feelings and a
determination which the occasion did not warrant.

Drouet dropped in at the lodge when he went down town, and
swashed around with a great air, as Quincel met him.

"Where is that young lady you were going to get for us?" asked
the latter.

"I’ve got her," said Drouet.

"Have you?" said Quincel, rather surprised by his promptness;
"that’s good. What’s her address?" and he pulled out his note-
book in order to be able to send her part to her.

"You want to send her her part?" asked the drummer.


"Well, I’ll take it. I’m going right by her house in the morning."

"What did you say her address was? We only want it in case we
have any information to send her."

"Twenty-nine Ogden Place."

"And her name?"

"Carrie Madenda," said the drummer, firing at random. The lodge
members knew him to be single.

"That sounds like somebody that can act, doesn’t it?" said

"Yes, it does."

He took the part home to Carrie and handed it to her with the
manner of one who does a favour.

"He says that’s the best part. Do you think you can do it?"

"I don’t know until I look it over. You know I’m afraid, now that
I’ve said I would."

"Oh, go on. What have you got to be afraid of? It’s a cheap
company. The rest of them aren’t as good as you are."

"Well, I’ll see," said Carrie, pleased to have the part, for all her

He sidled around, dressing and fidgeting before he arranged to
make his next remark.

"They were getting ready to print the programmes," he said, "and
I gave them the name of Carrie Madenda. Was that all right?"

"Yes, I guess so," said his companion, looking up at him. She was
thinking it was slightly strange.

"If you didn’t make a hit, you know," he went on.

"Oh, yes," she answered, rather pleased now with his caution. It
was clever for Drouet.

"I didn’t want to introduce you as my wife, because you’d feel
worse then if you didn’t go. They all know me so well. But you’ll
go all right. Anyhow, you’ll probably never meet any of them

"Oh, I don’t care," said Carrie desperately. She was determined
now to have a try at the fascinating game.

Drouet breathed a sigh of relief. He had been afraid that he was
about to precipitate another conversation upon the marriage

The part of Laura, as Carrie found out when she began to examine
it, was one of suffering and tears. As delineated by Mr. Daly, it
was true to the most sacred traditions of melodrama as he found it
when he began his career. The sorrowful demeanour, the tremolo
music, the long, explanatory, cumulative addresses, all were there.
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PinkMonkey Digital Library-Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser

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