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Consider 20 ¸ 4 = 5 ; here 20, which is the number divided, is called the ‘ Dividend’ ; 4 which is the number that divides is called the ‘ Diviser ’ ; and 5 which is obtained as a result of the division is called the Quotient.

Thus if p ¸ q = r, p is dividend, q the diviser and r the quotient. If there is no remainder, the division is exact.

( I ) Thus dividend = divisor ´ quotient .

However there is another division, in which there is a remainder,

e.g. 21 ¸ 4 gives 5 as quotient and 1 as the remainder. Hence the division is

not exact.

( II ) Therefore, dividend = divisor ´ quotient + remainder

The Law of signs in division be restated as :

1) Like signs produce a + sign

2) Unlike signs produce a - sign

Case I Division of a polynomial by a monomial

[next page]


3.1 - Introduction
3.2 - Monomial, Polynomials
3.3 - H.C.F and L.C.M

Chapter 4

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