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6.6 Bureaucracies and the Democratic Process

Though bureaucracies are indispensable to any democracy, yet they do not always follow democratic procedures. The policy is that bureaucrats are appointed and not elected. Further, budgets may be concealed (in the name of national security) in order to neglect answerability. However, bureaucratic abuses may be revealed by the Congress or the media. Even an officer working for a particular bureaucratic department may disclose a fraud. A whistle blower is one who reports corruption, fraud or waste in a bureaucracy.

Yet the bureaucracy carries out important functions in society through its varied activities. It cannot be denied that government would not be able to function without the millions of employees who make up the federal bureaucracy. The constituents of a district depend on their representatives to execute certain programs who in turn fall back on the bureaucracy.


6.0 - Introduction
6.1 - Charecterstics of the Bureaucracy
6.2 - The growth of the Federal Bureaucracy
6.3 - Controlling the size of the Bureaucracy
6.4 - The functions of the Fedearl Bureaucracy
6.5 - The Structure of the Federal Bureaucracy
6.6 - Bureaucracies and the Democratic Process

Chapter 7

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