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3.1 The Seven Years' War

The Seven Years' War was an episode in the European politics of that time, and a continuation of the Austrian war of succession. As per the terms of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chappelle, Silesia in Eastern Europe (now part of Poland and the Czech Republic) was to be handed over to the Prussian emperor. As this was not acceptable to Maria Theresa, the Austrian princess, she was always on the look out to recapture that. She renewed relations with France with the same idea in mind.

The Treaty of Aix-la-Chappelle settled the issue only temporarily, nothing was a permanent settlement. A few years later, in 1756, a war broke out.

Only the war could settle the rival ambitions of Great Britain and France in America and in India. As England and France both were imperializing and colonizing countries they developed friendship with the other European countries. These diplomatic relations were cultivated in order to become more powerful. England entered into the alliance with France keeping the same thing in view. The rivalry between the two became so strong that this took a serious turn. France was the most powerful country in Europe at the time. Between France and Prussia there existed great rivalry, as both desired to maintain their supreme position in Europe. Although Prussia was a small state it took great strides in progress during that time. The rise of Prussia was not tolerable to France. A friction was thus going on between England and France.

As this time Austria, Prussia and France were also not on good terms. All this resulted in the Seven Years' War. The war was fought to decide the superiority of power in Europe. The underlying reason was as to which country would dominate in the colonial field. As this war lasted for seven years from 1757 to 1763, it is called as the Seven Years' War. With the Paris Peace Treaty (1763), this war came to an end.

Prussia became more powerful by unifying the German States. This made her a powerful and sovereign State in the European family of nations. However, England got many advantages by this treaty. Nobody could question the supremacy of England in trade and commerce, and in colonies. She had large colonies in India and America. Her strength further increased with her winning Canada. France was deprived of her strength.

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3.0 - Introduction
3.1 The Seven Years' War
3.2 Catherine the Great
3.3 The Industrial Revolution
3.4 The French Revolution
3.5 France as a Republic (1795 - 1799)
3.6 Napolean Bonaparte
3.7 Points to Remember

Chapter 4

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