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    1. strength
    2. knowledge
    3. liberality
    4. skepticism
    5. powerlessness
  1. MANUMIT :
    1. print
    2. impress
    3. enslave
    4. fail
    5. endeavor

    1. pronounce correctly
    2. falsify
    3. trick
    4. stand erect
    5. project

    1. toxic
    2. large
    3. sober
    4. impeccable
    5. spotless
  1. BAROQUE :
    1. rococo
    2. simple
    3. common
    4. stupid
    5. boat like
  1. MYOPIC :
    1. blind
    2. moral
    3. visionary
    4. farsighted
    5. glassy
  1. NASCENT :
    1. loyal
    2. fading
    3. unnamed
    4. treacherous
    5. reoccuring
  1. LOLL :
    1. describe exactly
    2. insist strongly
    3. comply readily
    4. notice incidentally
    5. move vigorously
    1. immunity
    2. tranquility
    3. meditation
    4. moderation
    5. co – ordination
  1. BANAL :
    1. inclined
    2. faithful
    3. elaborate
    4. forced
    5. arresting

[next page]


Test 2

Section 1 : Verbal Section

Section 2 : Quantitative Section

Section 3 : Analytical Section

Section 4 : Quantitative Section

Section 5 : Verbal Section

Section 6 : Analytical Section

Answer Key To Test 2

Answer Explanation To Test 2
Section 1 : Verbal Section

Section 2 : Quantitative Section

Section 3 : Analytical Section
Section 4 : Quantitative Section
Section 5 : Verbal Section

Section 6 : Analytical Section

Test 3

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