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  1. What is the worth (in cents) of z coins worth 10 cents each, and z - 3 coins of 5 cents each?

    (A)    15 (1 - z)
    (B)    15 z - 30
    (C)    15 (z - 1)
    (D)    30 - 15 z
    (E)    2 z - 3

  2. A plane intersects a cuboid. Which of the following could be the resultant shape of the intersection?

    I.      A parallelogram
    II.     A triangle
    III.    Rectangle

    (A)    I only
    (B)    III only
    (C)    I, II, III
    (D)    None
    (E)    I and II

  3. If 250 grams is half the mass of one object and ten times the mass of another, the mass of the heaviest object is how many times the mass of the lightest object?

    (A)    125
    (B)    5
    (C)    2
    (D)    20
    (E)    200

  4. Of the following, which product is the least ?

    (A)    55 ´ 55 ´ 555
    (B)    5
    ´ 5 ´ 55 ´ 555
    (C)    55
    ´ 55 ´ 55
    (D)    5
    ´ 5 ´ 5 ´ 5 ´ 5 ´ 5
    (E)    5
    ´ 55 ´ 555

  5. How many different integer pairs (x, y) satisfy the equation

    (A)    More than four
    (B)    Four
    (C)    Three
    (D)    Two
    (E)    One

  6. If 4x + y = 24 and x is a positive, even integer, which of the following must be true ?

    I.      y is an even integer
    II.     y is a positive integer
    III.    y is a multiple of 4

    (A)    I, II only
    (B)    I, II, III
    (C)    I, III only
    (D)    II only
    (E)    I only

  7. Thirty-six identical boxes are stacked so that each layer above the bottom layer consists of 1 box less than the layer immediately below it. The top-layer contains only 1 box. How many layers make up the stack ?

    (A)    Four
    (B)    Five
    (C)    Six
    (D)    Seven
    (E)    Eight

[next page]


Test 4
Section 1 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 2 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 3 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 4 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 5 : Reading Comprehension
Section 6 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 7 : Verbal Reasoning
Answer Key To Test 4

Answer Explanation To Test 4
Section 1 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 2 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 3 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 4 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 5 : Reading Comprehension
Section 6 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 7 : Verbal Reasoning

Part I

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