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Section 3 : Verbal Reasoning

  1. C

  2. The sentence implies that Thai dishes are usually reputed to be good. But the person was disappointed. Two possibilities exist: either this was of inferior quality, or the dishes in general are overrated (too highly valued.) Note how the "either.... or" structure sets up a contrast between the two clauses, and the word "poor" implies that a judgement is made.

    A. Incorrect. Had it been delicious, he would have liked it.
    B, D & E Incorrect.

  3. A

  4. An intractable, or stubborn, individual is likely to have trouble adapting to a new way of life.

  5. C

  6. Since Oswald avoided or refrained from excesses, Niro, his opposite, must have indulged in excesses. The key words in this sentence are "differed markedly". They set up the contrast between the two men.

    Note that you are looking for a word that suggests Niro enjoyed drinking. Therefore, you can eliminate any word that suggests he disliked or disapproved of it.

    A, B & D Incorrect. They all suggest dislike or disapproval.
    E. Incorrect. Compensated for suggests neither disapproval nor dislike. However, it makes no sense in the context.

  7. B

  8. The librarian has the committee's acquiescence or agreement; they assent but do not go as far as encouraging the librarian. Their support is of a lesser degree. Note how the "with the......if not the" structure shows that the missing word and the noun encouragement must differ in meaning to some degree.

    A. Incorrect. Cynicism means pessimism, distrust.
    C. Incorrect. Scorn means disdain, shun.
    D. Incorrect. Applause would indicate a higher degree of approval; the sentence requires a lower degree of approval.
    E. Incorrect. The word means disapproval.

  9. D

  10. The word that means " having more than one meaning" is ambiguous.

    A, B, C &E Incorrect.

  11. B

  12. Someone given to starting casual conversations with strangers is by definition gregarious or sociable.

    A. Incorrect. Laconic is terse or curt.
    C. Incorrect. Reticent is reserved. A reserved person is very unlikely to start a conversation with a stranger.
    D. Incorrect. Casual is close but it does not necessarily describe one who is talkative.
    E. Incorrect. Diffident is timid. A timid person would not strike up a conversation with a stranger.

  13. C
    With no enemies to stop their spread, the deer must have done well or thrived. They did so well that they "over grazed" or ate too much grass. This threatened the vegetation.

  14. B
    Her friends could not understand her outburst because she was usually dutiful (docile) and helpful (accommodating). The presence of "and" linking items in a series indicates that the missing word may be a synonym or near-synonym for the other linked words. In this case, docile and accommodating are near-synonyms.

  15. D
    To be No. 1 at the box office, a film must attract a large audience. That attests to its star's drawing power, particularly if the film didn't receive good reviews. To say that the film's reviews were modest at best is not high praise. It indicates that even the best of the reviews were lukewarm or second-rate.

  10. E
         If danger threatens, the music would likely be          portentous (ominous)  

      A, B, C&D Incorrect.


  11. B

A switch turns on a light. A key turns on an ignition.


  12.  C

    A shaker holds salt and salt can be poured from a shaker. A pail holds water and water can be poured from a pail.

. 13.  C

    Humans live in society as animals live in jungle.

  14.   A

A moth feeds on wool; A caterpillar feeds on leaves.

B, C, D & E Incorrect.


  15. A

    A consensus is a recorded account of population. A tally is a recorded account of votes.

  16. C

    A recess is a temporary halt in business. A lull is a temporary halt in storm.

  17  E

    Beef can be dried to make jerky, and grapes can be dried to make raisins.

    A, B, C & D Incorrect

  18. B

    A zoo is a place for animals , just as a library is a place for books.

  19. C

    Music is heard through the ear. One smells through the nose.

  20.  B

    A commendation is an expression of praise. A calumny is an expression of disparagement.

    A ,C, D & E Incorrect.

  21.  A

    To outwit someone is to surpass that person in cunning; to outpace someone is to surpass that person in speed.

  22.  A.

When you touch something you feel it Similarly, when you look at something, you see it.

  23 .B

To entangle someone is to involve him/her in conflict or strife. To imperil someone is to involve her in peril or danger.

  24  D

    The second paragraph clearly portrays the comparison between the portrait and our planet.

    A, B, C & E Incorrect. They are not compared to anything in the passage.

  25.  C

    The author does praise the achievements of the humans through science.

    A. Incorrect. The author does not show any kind of enthusiasm even though he is full of praise.
    B, D & E Incorrect. They do not subscribe to the author's attitude.

  26.  A

    Pristine here means the natural (original). In the third paragraph it is clearly stated that though the earth is far from the old/original planet, there is at least 50% of the ancient forest left where hundreds of beings live.

  27   C

    Our grandchildren will inherit an earth with only less than 20% of the total ancient forest intact.


  28.  D

    The author's deeply set questions convince the reader that he is highly concerned about what would happen to humanity and the world.

  29.  C

       Literally yes, but the author uses the phrase        metaphorically to mean that we are destroying        nature.

  30.  C

    In the sixth paragraph it says that the increase in world population in the current century has been six fold.

    A, B & D Incorrect. Because they are wrong estimates.
    E. Incorrect. The fact that the population increase has been sixfold is unbelievable, but it is true. But then the choice is wrong.

  31.  D

    Because of the deterioration in nature (viz, only 20% of ancient forests will remain after a couple of decades), the atmosphere will definitely become unbearable. Our future generations will have to cope with immense stress.

    A & B Incorrect. The tribes and the aborigines have already become a part of the 'modern' world.
    C. Incorrect. City life today is already stressed.
    E. Incorrect.

  32.   B

        Because of the population zoom there has been         a lot of deforestation. As a consequence,         hundreds of species of birds which dwelt in these         forests have become extinct.

A. Incorrect. Though not the situation at present, it is a distant possibility.
C. Incorrect. With the sewage doing much damage, this too is a possibility - but a possibility only - not the right answer.
D. Incorrect. Humans use more than half of the surface freshwater.
E. Incorrect.

  33.  B

    The present state of the world has been brought about by us - humans. Environment pollution, deforestation and everything else, which has called for this kind of a situation, is the doing of man.

    A. Incorrect. There's only a mention of 1/4 of world's species of birds being extinct.
    C. Incorrect. The author does talk about the ancient forests but not extensively as to make this choice the right title.
    D. Incorrect. This is no heaven for sure. With all sorts of defacement, mother earth is definitely more of hell.
    E. Incorrect. Wilderness still exists - though not in abundance.

  34.  E

    Tiger bones are believed to have aphrodisiacal qualities. Besides these, the horn of a rhinoceros is also priced high for the same reason.

    A. Incorrect
    B. Incorrect. Rhinoceroses are killed for their horns which are believed to have aphrodisiacal values.
    C & D Incorrect.

  35.  C

    To strip is to divest somebody of something. In this context, the word "stripped" means made the land barren.

    A, B & D Incorrect.
    D. Incorrect. To debar is to prevent somebody from doing something.

    [next page]


Test 1
Section 1 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 2 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 3 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 4 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 5 : Reading Comprehension
Section 6 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 7 : Mathematical Reasoning
Answer Key To Test 1

Answer Explanation To Test 1
Section 1 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 2 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 3 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 4 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 5 : Reading Comprehension
Section 6 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 7 : Mathematical Reasoning

Test 2

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