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    Part II : Hand-Calculation Response Questions

  1. A bag contains 400 marbles: 30% are red, 45% are blue and the remainder are black. Find the number of black marbles.

  2. A servant uses 1/3 of his available oil to heat his home during one week of extremely cold weather. If the tank was 4/5 full at the beginning of the week, what part of the full capacity did he use this week ?

  3. In the figure above, how much does Z measure?

  4. Mr. Turnstone works 6 days a week and produces 48 chairs per week. If he decides to work for only 4 days a week, how many additional chairs per day will he have to produce to maintain his weekly output?

  5. A field is 48 yards long and 20 yards wide. This field has a uniform border of cactus 6ft. in depth growing on all sides measured from the outer perimeter of the field in., to prevent any stray animals from coming in. What is the area of the border in square yards?
  6. (1 yard = 3 feet)

  7. In the figure above MN // LK. If SM = 3ML and LK = 272, find the length of MN.

  8. Of 60 tulip bulbs that are planted each year, 40 to 45 produce flowers. What is the maximum percentage of flowers produced in one year?

  9. What is the value of b if a in the following expression is -3?
  10. 3a - b = 15

  11. Each of the owner’s four laborers works 1/8 as fast as the owner. If the owner does the job in 6 hours, how many hours does it take his laborers working together to do the job?

  12. If a truckload contains from 22 to 25 cartons with washing machines in them, what is the least number of washing machines contained in 5 truckloads?

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Test 4
Section 1 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 2 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 3 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 4 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 5 : Reading Comprehension
Section 6 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 7 : Verbal Reasoning
Answer Key To Test 4

Answer Explanation To Test 4
Section 1 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 2 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 3 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 4 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 5 : Reading Comprehension
Section 6 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 7 : Verbal Reasoning

Part I

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