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ceiling or the floor, or either side of the room, without having to
move from your chair, still these advantages can only be had in an
apartment of the most limited size.’

‘It isn’t a bit too confined for a single man,’ returned Mr
Lenville. ‘That reminds me,--my wife, Mr Johnson,--I hope she’ll
have some good part in this piece of yours?’

‘I glanced at the French copy last night,’ said Nicholas. ‘It looks
very good, I think.’

‘What do you mean to do for me, old fellow?’ asked Mr Lenville,
poking the struggling fire with his walking-stick, and afterwards
wiping it on the skirt of his coat. ‘Anything in the gruff and
grumble way?’

‘You turn your wife and child out of doors,’ said Nicholas; ‘and,
in a fit of rage and jealousy, stab your eldest son in the library.’

‘Do I though!’ exclaimed Mr Lenville. ‘That’s very good

‘After which,’ said Nicholas, ‘you are troubled with remorse till
the last act, and then you make up your mind to destroy yourself.
But, just as you are raising the pistol to your head, a clock

‘I see,’ cried Mr Lenville. ‘Very good.’
‘You pause,’ said Nicholas; ‘you recollect to have heard a clock
strike ten in your infancy. The pistol falls from your hand--you are
overcome--you burst into tears, and become a virtuous and
exemplary character for ever afterwards.’

‘Capital!’ said Mr Lenville: ‘that’s a sure card, a sure card. Get
the curtain down with a touch of nature like that, and it’ll be a
triumphant success.’

‘Is there anything good for me?’ inquired Mr Folair, anxiously.

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