PinkMonkey Online Study Guide-Biology

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Figure 21.3
Syndesmosis (Figure 21.3 B). The
bone margins are held together by dense collagenous fibers or by ligaments,
and a somewhat greater amount of motion is allowed, (e.g. the lower ends
of tibia and fibula, or radius to ulna).
Synchondrosis is a cartilaginous
joint in which the connecting cartilage is converted into bone. Thus,
it is a temporary joint. (e.g., epiphysis and diaphysis of long bones).
The resulting bony joint is called synostosis, which is an immovable
A permanent cartilaginous joint is present at the rib-sternum junction.
(C) Sinovial or Movable Joints (Diarthrosis)

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Fig. 21.4 Sinovial Joints.
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