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2.5 Antonyms

The antonym question consists of a single word in capital letters followed by five answer choices. You are required to choose the word which is most nearly opposite that of the capitalized word. This section tests your vocabulary in terms of your ability to understand the meanings of words and to distinguish between fine shades of meaning.

Suggested Answering Approach:

1. Read the word and look for the most nearly opposite.

2. If the word is unfamiliar, try to use it in a sentence, or break the word up using knowledge of roots, prefixes, suffixes, and check for positive or negative connotation associated with the word.

3. If the word has a positive connotation, its antonym is negative, and vice-versa.

4. To be an opposite, the word should not be too broad or too limited.

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PART II The Verbal Section

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Sentence Completion
2.3 Analogies
2.4 Reading comprehension
2.5 Antonyms

PART III The Quantitative Section

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