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Example 5

Find the perimeter and area of the parallelogram PQRS given below :


Perimeter = 2 ( 3.5 + 4 )

= 15 cm

Area = 4 ´ 3

= 12 cm

Example 6

Find the perimeter and area of DABC & D LMN



Perimeter D ABC = 3 + 4 + 5 = 12 cm

Area of D ABC = ´ 4 ´ 3 = 6 cm2

Perimeter D LMN = 36 + 36 + 52 = 124 ft.

Area of D LMN = ´ 52 ´ 25 = 650 sq.ft.

[next page]


4.1 Perimeter
4.2 Square
4.3 Rectangle
4.4 Parallelogram
4.5 Triangle
4.6 Trapezoids
4.7 Circles

Chapter 5

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