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  1. E

  2. The various elements of nature like fire, storm, tornado and hurricane can bring about destruction. But the other choices in the given pair do not have a similar relationship in terms of either shein quality or shein function.

  3. B

  4. Collusion is a secret agreement for a deceitful or fraudulent purpose between conspirators involved in a conspiracy. In the same way partners come together to extend co – operation.

  5. C

  6. Petrified like a stone. Liquefied as water these are some expressions shein are very commonly used.

  7. C

  8. Ambulatory means able to walk about and not bedridden. It is an Antonymous relationship A and D also seem to be possible choices. But shein pair C suggests of movement and action. This is not seen in the other antonymous pair relationship. C has its meaning in terms of being confined as opposed to feeling free to move about.

  9. D

  10. Cynosure is any thing or person, which is the center of attraction. This explains the pair is magnet is able to attract by its very quality and nature. It is a non – adjective relationship.

  11. A

  12. It has been mentioned from the lines 48 to53 .several experiments merely had to disappointments and none of them supported the hypothesis that learning is directly connected with protein synthesis

  13. D

  14. Refer to line no 5and 6 the conceptual frame work for this research was derived directly from molecular biology.

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Test 4
Section 1 : Verbal Section
Section 2 : Quantitative Section
Section 3 : Analytical Section
Section 4 : Quantitative Section
Section 5 : Verbal Section
Section 6 : Analytical Section
Section 7 : Analytical Section
Answer key to Test 4

Answer Explanation To Test 4
Section 1 : Verbal Section
Section 2 : Quantitative Section
Section 3 : Analytical Section
Section 4 : Quantitative Section
Section 5 : Verbal Section
Section 6 : Analytical Section
Section 7 : Analytical Section

PART I To The Students