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  1. According to some doomsayers long-range warming or cooling trends in weather patterns will result in drastic reduction of grain production. Other optimists point out that despite the drifts in average temperatures, little change in grain production is expected as there is little evidence that there will be a corresponding change in the pattern of rainfall. Moreover, with reference to most crops, climate-induced yield trends will be masked by both the year-to-year fluctuation of yields because of technological factors.

    The more optimistic reports in the above passage are probably based on which of the following assumptions?

    (A) Accurate predictions of long-range weather pattern changes is difficult.
    (B) Improvement in yield is not likely as the growth of grain is highly dependent on technological factors rather than climatic conditions.
    (C) It is more difficult to isolate trends in rainfall patterns than trends in temperature.
    (D) Long-range warming or cooling trends when accompanied by changes in rainfall patterns are more harmful to grain production.
    (E) Long-range warming trends are less destructive to grain production than long-range cooling trends.

  2. About forty-five percent of all blood donated in the United States is type O. This blood group is extremely important and vital during emergencies when there is no time to determine the blood type of victims, as type O blood can be used for everyone. It is unique as it is compatible with all blood types. But precisely because of this special usefulness, it is chronically in short supply.
    In case the above passage is true, which of the following must also be true?

    (A) The uniqueness of type O blood lies in the fact that it matches the blood type of most people.
    (B) The supply of type O blood is continuously so low that it is not available during emergencies, when it’s usefulness would be greatest.
    (C) Type O blood group is the most common blood group in the United States as forty-five percent of the total population has type O blood.
    (D) Any decision to give blood of any type other than O needs to be based on knowledge of the recipient’s blood type.
    (E) The only blood, which cannot be typed as fast as needed in emergencies is type O blood.

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Test 4

Section 1 : Verbal Section

Section 2 : Quantitative Section

Section 3 : Analytical Section

Section 4 : Quantitative Section

Section 5 : Verbal Section

Section 6 : Analytical Section

Section 7 : Analytical Section

Answer Key To Test 4

Answer Explanation To Test 4
Section 1 : Verbal Section

Section 2 : Quantitative Section

Section 3 : Analytical Section
Section 4 : Quantitative Section
Section 5 : Verbal Section

Section 6 : Analytical Section
Section 7 : Analytical Section

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