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Section 7 : Verbal Reasoning

  1. E
    The noun dissemination means spreading abroad. The action of spreading a libel or slander is aptly described by irresponsible.

  2. D
    Buildings constructed in such a hurry would tend to be rickety or shaky or flimsy.

  3. C
    The phrase subject to is clearly the best choice A and D make very little sense. B and E are not appropriate.

  4. E
    The intensifier "even" indicates that Smith did more than merely maintain a good reputation; she improved or enhanced it.

  5. D
    The meaning of Capricious is tendency to change abruptly and without apparent reason.

  6. E
    Paper money is merely a representation of wealth; therefore, unlike gold, it has no intrinsic (attributed) value.

  7. B
    Flagrant acts cannot be pardoned because they are outrageous (remarkably bad).

  8. B
    Ambiguous means unclear, capable of being interpreted in two or more ways. A veneer is a surface layer denoting something superficial.

  9. A
    A person who follows an art or science only for amusement and in a superficial way is called Dilettantes.

  10. B
    If you look at the second blank first, you can see that the word despite makes it clear that Molly must win the set. Came back looks like the best choice, although D is possible. That Choice B is better is confirmed by the first word, as relieved is better than alarmed.

  11. C
    The choices make it clear that boards is a verb. The relationship between boards and rowboat is the same as the one between gets on and bus.

  12. A
    A whisper is quiet and a mumble is indistinct.

    [next page]



Drill :

Section 1 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 2 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 3 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 4 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 5 : Reading Comprehension
Section 6 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 7 : Verbal Reasoning

Answer Explanation To The Drill
Section 1 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 2 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 3 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 4 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 5 : Reading Comprehension
Section 6 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 7 : Verbal Reasoning

Test 1

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