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Example 1

Figure 3.12

In figure 3.12 LMNO is an isosceles trapezoid. m Ð MLO = 108 and seg. MO = 4.9.
Find (a) m
Ð LMN , (b) m Ð MNO and (c) seg. LN .


a) m Ð LMN = 1800 as the base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are equal.

b) m Ð MNO = 720 The consecutive interior angles formed by a transversal seg. MN on two parallel lines seg. LM & seg. NO are supplementary. Therefore ÐLMN and ÐMNO are supplementary.

c) LN = 4.9 as the diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are equal in length.

Example 2

Figure 3.13

In figure 3.13 PQRS is an isosceles trapezoid. seg. PQ = 30 and seg. SR = 50. Find the length of the median XY.


seg. XY = half the sum of the lengths of the bases

   = ( 30 + 50 )

   = ( 80 )

   = 40


3. 1 Definition
3. 2 Terminology
3. 3 Sum Of Interior Angles Of A Polygon
3. 4 Sum Of Exterior Angles Of A Polygon
3. 5 Trapezoids
3. 6 Parallelogram
3. 7 Square, Rectangle And Rhombus

Chapter 4

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