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4.4 Median

It is the value of the size of the central item of the arranged data (data arranged in the ascending or the descending order). Thus, it is the value of the middle item and divides the series in to equal parts.

In Connor’s words - "The median is that value of the variable which divides the group into two equal parts, one part comprising all values greater and the other all values lesser than the median." For example, the daily wages of 7 workers are 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14 and 15 dollars. This series contains 7 terms. The fourth term i.e. $11 is the median.

Median In Individual Series (ungrouped Data)

  1. Set the individual series either in the ascending (increasing) or in the descending (decreasing) order, of the size of its items or observations.

  2. If the total number of observations be 'n' then

    1. If 'n' is odd,

      The median = size of observation

    2. If 'n' is even, the median


Example The following figures represent the number of books issued at the counter of a Statistics library on 11 different days. 96, 180, 98, 75, 270, 80, 102, 100, 94, 75 and 200. Calculate the median.


Arrange the data in the ascending order as 75, 75, 80, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102,180, 200, 270.

Now the total number of items 'n'= 11 (odd)

Therefore, the median = size of item

    =    size of item
    =    size of 5th item
    =    98 books per day

Example The population (in thousands) of 36 metropolitan cities are as follows :

2468, 591, 437, 20, 213, 143, 1490, 407, 284, 176, 263, 19, 181, 777, 387, 302, 213, 204, 153, 733, 391, 176 178, 122, 532, 360, 65, 260, 193, 92, 672, 258, 239, 160, 147, 151. Calculate the median.


Arranging the terms in the ascending order as :

20, 65, 92, 131, 142, 143, 147, 151, 153, 160, 169, 176, 178, 181, 193, 204, (213, 39), 258, 263, 260, 384, 302, 360, 387, 391, 407, 437, 522, 591, 672, 733, 777, 1490, 2488.

Since total number of items n = 36 (Even).

the median




4.1 Introduction
4.2 Arithmetic Mean
4.3 Properties of Arithmetic Mean
4.4 Median
4.5 Mode
4.6 Empirical relation between mean, median & mode

Chapter 5

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