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Figure 7.19

Thus if two chords are equal in measure they are equidistant from the center of the circle.

The converse of this theorem is that if two chords are equidistant from the center of the circle, they are equal in measure.

As shown in figure 7.20 if seg. HI and seg. JK are two chords equidistant from the center of the circle, they are equal in length.

Figure 7.20

To prove that seg.HI @ seg.JK join OI and OK.

Consider D OIP and D OKQ, ( both are right triangles) .

seg.OI @ seg.OK, ( both are radii of the same circle).

seg.OP @ seg.OQ (given that chords are equidistant from the center O).

\ D OIP @ D OKQ (H.S.)

\ seg.PI @ seg.QK (corresponding sides of congruent triangles are congruent).

Also it is known that the perpendicular from the center bisects the chord. Therefore, seg. HI @ seg JK.

Example 1

AB and CD are chords in a circle with center O. l (seg.AB ) = l (seg.CD) = 3.5 cm and m Ð COD = 950. Find m arc AB.



m arc AB = m Ð AOB

Since D AOB @ D COD by SSS m Ð AOB = m Ð COD.

Example 2

PQ is a chord of a circle with center O. Seg.OR is a radius intersecting PQ at right angles at point T. If l (PT) = 1.5 cm and m arc PQ = 800, find l (PQ) and m arc PR.


l (PQ) = 3

m (arc PR) = 400

Seg.OT is perpendicular to PQ and therefore bisects PQ at T.

\ l (.PQ) = 2 l (PT)

Seg.OR bisects arc PQ. \ m (arc PR) = m (arc PQ)

Example 3

Seg HI and seg. JK are chords of equal measure in a circle with center O. If the distance between O and seg. HI is 10 cm find the length of the perpendicular from O onto seg.JK.


10 cm.

Chords of equal measure are equidistant from the center.


7.1 Introduction
7.2 Lines of circle
7.3 Arcs
7.4 Inscribed angels
7.5 Some properties od tangents, secants and chords
7.6 Chords and their arcs
7.7 Segments of chords secants and tangents
7.8 Lengths of arcs and area of sectors

Chapter 8

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